Teach for America Final Application Deadline: February 20, 2014

Current seniors: the Teach for America final application deadline is February 20, 2014
Teach For America is a national non-profit organization that aims to combat educational inequity and provide more children the opportunity to attain an excellent education.
We recruit a diverse group of leaders from all academic backgrounds who work to expand educational opportunity, starting by teaching for two years in a low-income community.
Learn more about Teach for America after the jump link!

Teach for American provides intensive training, support and career development that helps these leaders increase their impact and deepen their understanding of what it takes to provide an excellent education for our nation’s most under served kids.
Teach For America: The Basics
·      All academic majors accepted
·      Full salary and benefits included
·      Personal and professional development
·      Work in almost 50 communities across the U.S.
·      One of Fortune’s Top 100 Best Companies to work for
·      Nearly 800 Badgers have joined TFA since 1990 www.uwalumni.com/teachforamerica
·      Learn more: www.teachforamerica.org/our-mission
 Stay connected: Like/Follow Badgers TFA on www.facebook.com/badgersTFA and www.twitter.com/badgersTFA
