Moderators Wanted for the Senior Thesis Symposium

The Letters & Science Honors Program is seeking Honors students to serve as moderators for the Senior Honors Thesis Symposium on Saturday, April 22, 2017 at Union South. Serving as a moderator is a great opportunity to support your friends, celebrate graduating seniors, and see for yourself what kinds of topics your peers have explored.

Here are some details:

You don't have to come for the entire symposium (but you are welcome to). You would likely moderate one or two panels. Moderating is pretty simple. You will arrive in the room 15-20 minutes before each panel to greet the speakers and help with logistics. (You will receive training on how to do this.) You will then introduce each speaker and keep them on track for their allotted time. You can help call on audience members during the Q&A.

We welcome moderators of all majors, all Honors tracks, and all years in school. Your main qualification is an interest in serving as a moderator!

If you are interested in moderating a panel, please email matt.kohlstedt [at] by  Friday, April 21 at 3pm. There are spots available in the 1-2:20 pm session and the 2:30-3:45 pm session.
