Letters & Science Award Opportunities for Undergrads

Here are scholarship applications currently open at the College of Letters & Science for L&S undergraduates.

The College of Letters & Science Lawton Retention Grant: This awards up to $3,000 for underrepresented students who have completed the FAFSA are WI residents and are rising 2nd year, 3rd, year, or 4th year students. All newly eligible students have been assigned the application in the Scholarships@UW-Madison system.  (If a student received the grant last year they are automatically considered and do not need to apply.) The deadline to complete the application is 4/6/2018. For more information email lawtongrant@ls.wisc.edu.

The Meyerhoff Undergraduate Excellence/Ginsberg Family Award application is now available for a short period on time with a deadline of 4/4/2018 for submissions.  This is the transition from the Meyerhoff Undergraduate Excellence awards program to the newly established Ginsberg Family awards. This $1,000 award for leadership, service and scholarship recognizes students who have made outstanding leadership and service contributions to the University and/or the surrounding communities while maintaining a record of academic excellence.

A minimum 3.3 cumulative GPA is required for the Letters & Science award.  Only candidates with an exemplary record of leadership and service will be considered for this award.

Many other department applications are open at this time in the Scholarships@UW-Madison system.  Please log-in to https://scholarships.wisc.edu/StudentApp to check them out!
