JUIS is Looking for Photo Submissions

Did you study abroad and want to share photos of your travels? Would you like to share your photos with people from around the world? If so, consider submitting your photos to JUIS.

JUIS is a student-run, peer-reviewed journal that seeks to publish the best undergraduate work across the country related to international themes and topics. With production and mailing costs fully covered by a generous donor to the L&S Honors Program, JUIS allows undergraduate students to create, edit, and design a high-quality academic journal that is sent to academic institutions around the world.

Photo Submission Requirements:

  • High-resolution photos only, as JUIS is issued in print format
  • Any subject, so long as photos have an international focus (check out http://juis.global.wisc.edu/issues.html for examples of past issues)
If you are interested in submitting a photo(s) to JUIS, complete this Google Form: https://goo.gl/forms/pYs0FgcmgZ5T6Ti93

If you would like to get involved in JUIS, or learn more about the organization, please email juis@global.wisc.edu
