Men of Color and Mental Health Discussion

UHS is excited to share an upcoming event with communicators and advisors: Men of Color and Mental Health.

Men of Color and Mental Health
Tuesday, December 4
5:30 – 7 p.m.
MSC Lounge, 716 Langdon Street

UHS Mental Health Providers Corey Steele and Ben Heinrichs will be joined by Albert Muñiz of the Posse Program for an open, informal conversation about personal experiences related to mental health care, barriers to accessing services, and resources available to students. 

The goals of this event are to help male-identifying students of color feel more comfortable discussing mental health care needs, addressing stigma, and normalizing the experience of talking with a mental health care provider.
The UW-Madison Multicultural Student Center is a generous co-host of this event.

For more information and to RSVP (not required), visit here or email Corey and Ben.
