Supporting Transfer Student Success

Supporting Transfer Student Success
December 6
11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
The Pyle Center at the UW-Madison Campus

This event will provide opportunities for Madison College, UW-Madison, and UW-Whitewater advisors to connect over lunch, to learn about updates in the transfer student landscape, and to provide feedback on what they'd like to see in future advisor professional development opportunities related to promoting transfer student success.

The workshop will provide the following:
-An overview of how advising is structured on each campus, and how transfer students can connect with advisors at each campus.
-Opportunities to engage and network with colleagues at each institution, in order to better serve transfer students as they transition between institutions.
-Updates on the HHMI Grant (which supports new initiatives in supporting STEM transfer student success) and how it will impact future work with transfer students

We invite any and all Madison College, UW-Madison, and UW-Whitewater advisors who work with transfer students, and especially those units supporting STEM-interested students, to participate. Lunch will be provided.

Registration is available here, and we hope to see you there! The registration deadline is November 25.

This event is a follow up to a workshop offered last spring at Madison College, and is intended to be a part of ongoing opportunities to build connections and collaboration between institutions.  Participants do NOT need to have attended the previous training in order to participate.
