Info Sessions for Students Interested in Engineering

The Engineering General Resources Office will be hosting five information sessions for non-EGR students who are interested in Engineering. Students must attend an information session before meeting with an EGR advisor. Students will learn about the General College Requirements needed to apply to an engineering program, as well as other resources, rules/regulations, etc. We also will review a what-if DARS. This is not a transfer workshop, rather it is just informational.

Students must call the EGR Office (262-2473) or stop by 1150 Engineering Hall to register.

Sessions are as follows (All sessions will be held in Engineering Hall):

Tuesday 2/25/14 - 12:00-1:00
Wednesday 3/12/14 - 3:30-4:30
Thursday 3/27/14 - 1:00-2:00
Monday 4/21/14 - 3:30-4:30
