Letters and Science Spring Scholarships

The College of Letters and Science is offering scholarships this spring! 
Visit scholarships.wisc.edu  or the Scholarships@UW-Madison widget on your MyUW to view all scholarships which you are eligible for! 

Meyerhoff Undergraduate Excellence Award for $1,000: Deadline March 15, 2016 
This award for leadership, service and scholarship recognizes students who have made outstanding leadership and service contributions to the University and/or the surrounding communities while maintaining a record of academic excellence. Requires essay, 2 recommendations, and resume. 

Charles Manthey Winter and Richard Ralph Winter Phoenix Rising Humanitarian Scholarship, for $1,000: Deadline March 4, 2016 
This award rewards humanitarian achievement and service, encourages excellence and commitment in the application of humanitarian ideals, and affirms the moral obligation to provide for human welfare. Requires essay, 2 recommendations, and record of activities, achievements, and service. 

See scholarships.wisc.edu for more! 
