SummerTerm Automatic Honors Courses

Considering taking a class this summer either online or here in Madison? Why not take an Honors course? Check out these two summer term automatic Honors courses!
See The Course Guide for more information and class options!

Classics 370: Classical Mythology
In Classics 370, you will become acquainted with the major characters and stories of ancient Greek and Roman mythology through reading ancient texts in translation. Lectures will focus on interpreting myth in a wide variety of forms and contexts. You will explore how the Greeks and Romans used myth to grapple with personal and social issues, and discover why reading these ancient stories is still very entertaining and useful in our modern world.

See the syllabus here! 

LIS 202: Informational Divides and Differences in a Multicultural Society
This 100% online asynchronous course explores the impact of and barriers to access to information on the lives of low-income ethnic/racial minority communities in the United States. The course provides an introduction to contemporary information society from a sociological perspective.

In this course we will explore issues relating to information inequalities, differences or "digital divides" in the US with particular attention to underrepresented groups in the Northern Midwest including African-American, Hmong, Latino/a and Native American. Information inequalities include disparities in awareness of, ownership of, access to, and use of various information and communication technologies for the purposes of health, education, economic development and social expression. Through this exploration we will examine traditional and online institutions that create or channel information to communities of interest including community centers, schools, libraries, and medical clinics. Skills covered will include application of theoretical frameworks; critique and discussion of academic debates; and the use of databases to locate information related to demographics in the Upper Midwest. 
